Quick Links
New Century International Middle School offers competitive sports for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. All students participating in scholastic athletic programs must have a current physical form on file.
All games/meets/matches begin at 4:00 p.m.
Admission to athletic events is $5.00 per person. Tickets can be purchased by clicking the HomeTown Ticketing link under Quick Links.
Sports Physical Requirements
Students must have a sports physical completed on the North Carolina High School Athletic Association Sports Preparticipation Form, which can be found on the CCS website or by clicking the link.
Final Forms
Final Forms is the new student-athlete registration system that is being utilized by Cumberland County Schools. It is an online enrollment platform that will streamline your child’s information and registration details all in one centralized system. Contact Ms. McKenney if you need any assistance accessing your account or have additional questions. Email Sametris McKenney
Please visit the Cumberland County Schools Athletics for the most current games and schedules or click the NC Prep Sports link to view only Middle School Schedules.
Concussion Return to Play Form
Steps to Complete
Accounts may be registered at Final Forms
Click Log-in under Parent.
Locate and click the Add Student button.
Type in the Legal Name and other required information. Then, click Create Student.
If your student plans to participate in a sport, activity, or club, then click the checkbox for each.
Then, click update after making your selection. Selections may be changed until the registration deadline.
Complete each form and sign your full name (i.e. ‘Jonathan Smith’) in the parent signature field on each page. After signing each, click Submit Form And move on to the next form.
When all forms are complete, you will see a ‘Forms Finished’ message.
Important: If required by your district, an email will automatically be sent to the email address that you provided for your student that will prompt your student to sign the required forms.
How do I register additional students?
Click My Students. Then, repeat steps C through G for each additional student.
Parent Registration
Accounts may be registered at Final Forms
Locate the parent icon and click New Account.
Type your Name, Date Of Birth, And Email.
Next, click Register. (Note: You will receive an email within 2 minutes prompting you to confirm and complete your registration. If you do not receive an email, then check your spam folder. If you still can not locate the FinalForms email, then Email Support to inform our team of the issue.
Check your email for aN Account Confirmation Email From The Final forms Mailman.
Once received and openEd, Click Confirm Your Account in the email text.
Create your new FinalForms password. Next, click Confirm Account.
Click Register Student for your first child.
Student Registration
Accounts may be registered at Final Forms
Click Log-in Under Parent.
Locate and click the Add Student button.
Type in the Legal Name and other required information. Then, click Create Student.
If your student plans to participate in a sport, activity, or club, then click the checkbox for each.
Then, click Update after making your selection. Selections may be changed until the registration deadline.
Complete each form and sign your full name (i.e. ‘Jonathan Smith’) in the parent signature field on each page. After signing each, click Submit Form and move on to the next form.
When all forms are complete, you will see a ‘Forms Finished’ message.
Important: If required by your district, an email will automatically be sent to the email address that you provided for your student, which will prompt your student to sign the required forms.
How do I register additional students?
Click My Students. Then, repeat steps C through G for each additional student.
Finally, Ms. Hicks will approve each sheet.
Eligibility Requirements
A student may not participate if he/she becomes 15 years of age on or before August 31st.
Must be in attendance 85% (cannot miss more than 13 days in the previous 90-day semester. This includes all absences, excused and unexcused).
Students may not fail more than 1 core class (Math, Science, English, and Social Studies) or more than one core class and one elective class.
CCS Rule: Students must have a 70% cumulative average for semester one.
Academic Eligibility
A student must be in attendance 85% for the previous semester. (Cannot miss more than 13 days out of the 90-day semester)
This includes all absences (Excused and Unexcused)
Students may not fail more than 1 core class (Math, English, Science, Social Studies) during the previous semester.
Students must pass four classes during the previous semester.
CCS Rule: Students must have a 70% cumulative average for the previous semester.
A student is ineligible to participate at the middle school level if he/she becomes 15 years of age on or before August 31.
Sixth-grade students are automatically eligible in the fall based on their promotion from fifth grade. In the spring, they must meet all eligibility requirements.
The CCS has a rich history of healthy competition and winning athletic programs. It is our belief that athletics is the front porch of education and an integral part of the development of young people. We believe that we must compete at the highest level while maintaining integrity, respect for our opponents, and good sportsmanship. As we prepare for the start of team competitions again, it is important that students and parents read the following eligibility requirements carefully.
Athletic Director: Sametris McKenney (Email Sametris McKenney)
School Office: 910 487-2001